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Isabell Lorey (ed.), Roberto Nigro (ed.), ...: Inventionen 2

Isabell Lorey (ed.), Roberto Nigro (ed.), Gerald Raunig (ed.)

Inventionen 2
Exodus. Reale Demokratie. Immanenz. Territorium. Maßlose Differenz. Biopolitik

Softcover, 224 pages

PDF, 224 pages

Exodus. Reale Demokratie. Immanenz. Territorium. Maßlose Differenz. Biopolitik

Inventionen 2 verortet die Aktualisierung poststrukturalistischer Theorien in den gegenwärtigen Kämpfen um neue politische Ordnungen, Ökonomien, Lebensweisen und Wissensformen. Die Besetzungsbewegungen des Jahres 2011 sind dabei impliziter und expliziter Bezugspunkt. In der Logik der gesamten Reihe präsentiert auch dieser Band aktuelle Positionen poststrukturalistischer Theorie und praktiziert damit eine Neuzusammensetzung ihrer Ströme. Die Basis dieser Rekomposition ist die fortgesetzte Wiederaneignung und Neuerfindung zentraler Begriffe der zeitgenössischen politischen Philosophie.

  • democracy
  • post-workerism
  • social networks
  • exodus
  • post-structuralism
  • biopolitics
  • social movements

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Isabell Lorey

teaches political theory, cultural studies and gender studies at Humboldt-University Berlin and Vienna University. Among other things she had an assistant professorship for gender and postcolonial studies at University of Arts Berlin and was a news editor at german television.

Other texts by Isabell Lorey for DIAPHANES
Roberto Nigro

Roberto Nigro

is full Professor of philosophy at the Leuphana University Lüneburg. He also is an ancien Directeur de programme at the Collège International de Philosophie in Paris. His areas of research and teaching interest include aesthetics, political philosophy, and cultural theory with a special focus on French and Italian contemporary philosophy (in particular Foucault, Deleuze, and new-Operaism) and the legacy of German philosophy (in particular Marx, Nietzsche, and Heidegger) in contemporary thought.
Other texts by Roberto Nigro for DIAPHANES

Gerald Raunig

is philosopher and art theoretician; he works at the Zürcher Hochschule der Künste (Departement Kunst und Medien, Vertiefung Theorie) and at the eipcp (European Institute for Progressive Cultural Policies). He is co-ordinator of the transnational eipcp research projects republicart (2002-2005), transform (2005-2008) and Creating Worlds (2009-2012) and member of the editorial board of the multilingual webjournal transversal and the Austrian journal for radical democratic cultural politics, Kulturrisse.

Other texts by Gerald Raunig for DIAPHANES