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Maria Muhle: Milieu, Mimesis and Mimetism
Milieu, Mimesis and Mimetism
(p. 59 – 72)

Maria Muhle

Milieu, Mimesis and Mimetism

PDF, 14 pages

  • global ecology
  • contemporary art
  • ecology
  • art theory

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Maria Muhle

is professor for Philosophy | Aesthetic Theory at the Academy of Fine Arts Munich and founder of the August Verlag Berlin. She is a member of the DFG research group ‘Media and Mimesis’ at the International Doctoral Program of the LMU Munich and, in spring 2018, was a fellow at the research group ‘BildEvidenz’ of the FU Berlin. Her main research interests are political aesthetics, media philosophy, mimesis, strategies of reenactment, and biopolitics. Among her recent publications are Black Box Leben (2017, ed. with Christiane Voss); ‘Mimesis und Aisthesis. Realismus und Geschichte 284 bei Auerbach und Rancière’ (2018, in Die Wirklichkeit des Realismus, ed. Joseph Vogl, Veronika Thanner, Dorothea Walzer); ‘“Beweis zu nichts”. Marcel Odenbachs Geschichtsbilder’ (2018, in Marcel Odenbach. Beweis zu nichts, Kunsthalle Wien), and ‘Praktiken des Inkarnierens. Nachstellen, Verkörpern, Einverleiben’ (2017, in Zeitschrift für Medien- und Kulturforschung).

Other texts by Maria Muhle for DIAPHANES
Marietta Kesting (ed.), Maria Muhle (ed.), ...: Hybrid Ecologies

The notion of ecology not only figures centrally in current debates around climate change, but also traverses contemporary discourses in the arts, the humanities, and the social and techno sciences. In its present reformulation it refers to the multi-layered and multi-dimensional nexus of reciprocities between living processes, technological and media practices, i.e. to the complex relations of human and nonhuman agents. The book Hybrid Ecologies understands ecology as an ambivalent notion, whose multivalence opens up new fields of action and yet, thanks precisely to this openness and vast applicability, at the same time raises questions not least concerning its genealogy. The interdisciplinary contributions seek to explore the political and social effects that a rethinking of community in ecological and thus also in biopolitical terms may provoke, and which consequences the contemporary notion of ecology might entail for artistic and design practices in particular. The present publication is the result of the fifth annual program of the cx centre for interdisciplinary studies, which was conceived in cooperation with the Chair of Philosophy | Aesthetic Theory at the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich.
