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Ana María Lozano: Walking Along the Río El Vacilón: A Conversation between Alexandra Gelis, Ana María Lozano, and a Carara Territory Fragment
Walking Along the Río El Vacilón: A Conversation between Alexandra Gelis, Ana María Lozano, and a Carara Territory Fragment
(p. 161 – 176)

Ana María Lozano

Walking Along the Río El Vacilón: A Conversation between Alexandra Gelis, Ana María Lozano, and a Carara Territory Fragment

PDF, 16 pages

  • global ecology
  • artistic practice
  • ecology

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Ana María Lozano

Ana María Lozano is professor of contemporary art and museums at Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá. As independent curator and researcher, she has devoted the last ten years of her career to understanding the relationship between Contemporary Art and Decoloniality, and between Art and the Vegetable Turn. Her most recent curatorships include 2024: Encounters at the Powder Factory, anthological exhibition of the artist María Elvira Escallón at the Art Museum Miguel Urrutia-MAMU, Banco de la República, and Contextualism and vulnerability, San Francisco Palace/ARTBO, Bogotá. Her recent written work includes: “Supine and Naked America” in Violence and Resistance: Arts and Politics in Colombia, ed. Stephen Zepke and Nicolás Alvarado (Palgrave McMillan, 2023), and the co-edition of issue 17-2 of MAVAE Journal: Espabilar conversas hacia un arte ecopolítico (2022). She was the Academic Director of the International Encounter Incipit Terra: Bodies of Water and Bodies of Land held by the Faculty of Art of the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana.
Liliana Gómez (ed.), Fabienne Liptay (ed.): Eco-operations

Liliana Gómez (ed.), Fabienne Liptay (ed.)


Softcover, 336 pages

PDF, 336 pages

The climate change crisis has become part of aesthetic discourse and critical research in culture and the arts. Future-oriented, ecologically conceived possibilities for action are being explored by artists, curators, and scholars alike. Eco-operations addresses these emerging aesthetic ecologies and new technologies of cooperation that both challenge and shape a sustainable future, foregrounding interruptions, ruptures, disconnections, dissonances, exclusions, and allochronism. Moving beyond the concepts of “flow” and “network” as a single, coherent (ecological or technological) system, Eco-operations instead emphasizes the frictions within asynchronously running systems. The infrastructures and formats of artistic production and exhibition play a central role here, as they themselves constitute ecosystems that invite and regulate processes of sharing and exchange. Artists and activists are embedded in these ecosystems, in which they simultaneously intervene when searching for alternative ways of creating collaborative practice. Bringing together scholars, artists, writers, and curators, and working across a range of disciplines, Eco-operations explores this field of tension between global and local ecologies, and aims to speculate on where dissonances imply both creative potential and political challenges.


With contributions by Dalida María Benfield, Ursula Biemann, Lisa Blackmore, T. J. Demos, Laura Flórez & Lorena García Cely, Sandra ­Frimmel, Alexandra Gelis, Liliana Gómez, ­Fabienne ­Liptay, Ana María Lozano, Uriel Orlow, Dorota Sajewska.
