studied biology, history of science and physical anthropology in Bayreuth and Jena. He was predoctoral research fellow in the project »The Experimentalization of Life« at the Max-Planck-Institute for the History of Science in Berlin and at the University of Jena. His dissertation focuses on the history of the Mexican axolotl in science and the role of the aquarium in the life sciences in the second half of the nineteenth century. His main areas of research are: history of organisms in the experimental life sciences, history of experimental infrastructures, history of the aquarium in the sciences.
studied cultural studies, theatre studies and French studies in Berlin and Paris. She has been working at the Institute for Artistic Research Berlin (!KF) since 2009. Between 2011 and 2013 she was predoctoral research fellow at the DFG-Graduiertenkolleg »Mediale Historiographien« at the Bauhaus University of Weimar, the University of Erfurt and the Friedrich Schiller University of Jena. Her thesis examines the early history of the aquarium as part of the history of knowledge, history of science and history of media in the nineteenth century.