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David Gugerli (ed.), Michael Hagner (ed.), ...: Nach Feierabend 2012


1946 definierte die Weltgesundheitsorganisation Gesundheit als einen »Zustand des vollständigen körperlichen, geistigen und sozialen Wohlergehens und nicht nur das Fehlen von Krankheit oder Gebrechen«. Diese Definition stellt einen wirkmächtigen Versuch dar, einen univer­salen und fortschrittlichen Gesundheitsbegriff zu schaffen, der über Nationen- und Kulturgrenzen hinweg Gültigkeit besitzt. Sie geht allerdings unter der Hand mit Normierungsvorgängen, Anpassungszwängen und einem technisch-sozialen Machbarkeitsglauben einher. Das zeigt sich nicht nur in der modernen Medizin, sondern auch in der Gesellschaft, die ständig mit ihrer eigenen Diagnose befasst ist und sich durch ein pursuit of perfection auszeichnet: Politische Konflikte und gesellschaftliche Krisen werden in Metaphern des Pathologischen übersetzt und mit Vorstellungen des Kurierens, Immunisierens und Ausmerzens verbunden. Der Band analysiert die Vielfalt paradoxer Phänomene, die mit dem modernen Willen zur Gesundheit entstanden sind.

  • society
  • history of knowledge
  • hygiene
  • biopolitics
  • subjectification
  • history of science
  • health
  • immunization
  • contagion
  • illness
  • body
  • medicine

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Selected content

David Gugerli

David Gugerli

is professor of the History of Technology and Science at ETH Zurich. He studied history and literary studies and has been visiting fellow at the »Maison des Sciences de l´Homme« in Paris, at Stanford University, at the »Colegio de México«, at the »Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin«, at the »IFK Wien«, and as professor at the »Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México«. His research focus is on the technological implementation of human capital theory, the history of computerized database technologies, and the history of knowledge in the reinsurance industries in the 19th and 20th centuries. He is member of the Competence Centre for the History of Knowledge, a scientific centre of excellence of the ETH Zurich and the University of Zurich.

Other texts by David Gugerli for DIAPHANES
Michael Hagner

Michael Hagner

is professor of Science Studies at ETH Zurich and member of »Deutsche Akademie für Sprache und Dichtung«, the Leopoldina, and of »Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen«. He studied Medicine and Philosophy at Freie Universität Berlin, where he also worked as a neurophysiologist after graduating. He was a visiting scholar at the Wellcome Institute for the History of Medicine in London before working at the Institute for the History of Medicine and Science in Lübeck, at the Institute for the History of Medicine in Göttingen, and the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science in Berlin. He was visiting professor at the universities of Salzburg, Tel Aviv, Frankfurt Main and Cologne. He is also awarded winner of the Berlin Brandenburg Academy of Science and of the »Deutsche Akademie für Sprache und Dichtung«. He was awarded the 2008 Sigmund Freud prize for his scientific prose writing.

Other texts by Michael Hagner for DIAPHANES
Caspar Hirschi

Caspar Hirschi

teaches History at the St. Gallen University. Between 2007 and 2010, Hirschi was a Research Fellow at Clare Hall College, Cambridge, where he taught the history of modern Europe at the Faculty of History. During this period, Hirschi started a new comparative project on the roles of official experts and public critics in the French and English Enlightenment. Since 2006 Hirschi has been a regular contributor to the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung.

Other texts by Caspar Hirschi for DIAPHANES
Andreas B. Kilcher

Andreas B. Kilcher

is Professor for Literary and Culture Studies on the Eidgenössischen Technischen Hochschule Zürich (ETHZ).

Other texts by Andreas B. Kilcher for DIAPHANES

Patricia Purtschert

studied Philosophy, Modern History and Modern German Literature and Language at Basel University and the University of Ghana, Legon. She is a member of the SNF research project »Ambizione« on »Postcolonial Switzerland« at the ETH Zurich.

Other texts by Patricia Purtschert for DIAPHANES
Philipp Sarasin

Philipp Sarasin

is full professor of Modern and Swiss History at the Research Unit for Social and Economic History at the University of Zurich and founding member of the collaborate research centre »Geschichte des Wissens« (University of Zurich and ETH Zurich). In his research he focuses on the history of knowledge, the history of the Cold War, theories of the science of history, the history of the city, and the history of body narratives and sexuality.

Other texts by Philipp Sarasin for DIAPHANES
Jakob Tanner

Jakob Tanner

is Full Professor in Modern History, University of Zurich. He was member of the Independent Commission of Experts Switzerland-Second World War and is founding member of the Centre for the History of Knowledge (Technical University of Zurich and University of Zurich). He is also Co-Editor of »Gesnerus. Swiss Journal of the History of Medicine and Sciences«. In 2011 he received the FRIAS fellowship.

Other texts by Jakob Tanner for DIAPHANES