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Adele Eisenstein, Tanja Ostojic: Tanja Ostojic in conversation with Adele Eisenstein. On Artistic Research and Cultural Activism
Tanja Ostojic in conversation with Adele Eisenstein. On Artistic Research and Cultural Activism
(p. 289 – 300)

Tanja Ostojić in conversation with Adele Eisenstein. On Artistic Research and Cultural Activism

Adele Eisenstein, Tanja Ostojic

Tanja Ostojic in conversation with Adele Eisenstein. On Artistic Research and Cultural Activism

PDF, 12 pages

The artist talks about her artistic practice and working methods, which include cultural activism and sociological research. She takes her own experience and identity as her point of departure, applying strategies that migrants have been forced to develop and use to cross borders. Ostojić reaches others in a way that encourages identification and simultaneously detects the mechanisms of exclusion and geo-politics at work in the EU. Through theory, art and activism she aims for a change in contemporary politics and the people affected by it. The starting point of the conversation is Ostojić’s current long-term project Lexicon of Tanja Ostojić, in which the artist meets women sharing her name – a sample group from a specific geographical region. She conducts interviews with her name-sisters on questions of gender equality, access to education and employment.

  • artistic research
  • knowledge
  • art
  • experiment
  • perception

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Selected content

Adele Eisenstein

is an independent curator, writer, editor and translator, originally from New York, who is living and working in Budapest since 1990. Additionally to working at numerous art insitutes, she was a founding editor of the art journal Praesens and worked as an editor at the Museum of Fine Arts Budapest. She curated exhibitions including donumenta 2010, and at Steirischer Herbst (2013) and has written, translated and edited many books and catalogues.

Tanja Ostojic

is a Berlin-based performance and interdisciplinary artist, working on issues of migration, gender and economy. Her work has been presented, among other venues, at the Venice Biennale in 2001 and 2011 and the Brooklyn Museum 2006.

Susanne Stemmler (ed.): Wahrnehmung, Erfahrung, Experiment, Wissen

Wissenschaftsnahe Arbeitsweisen von Künstlerinnen und Künstlern – oft als »künstlerische Forschung« bezeichnet – werfen Fragen der Produktion, des Teilens, des Dekonstruierens und der Wiederaneignung von Wissen auf. Verhältnisse von Objektivität und Subjektivität sind dabei stets untergründiges oder auch explizit angesprochenes Thema: Während von »den Wissenschaften« oft noch eine »objektive« Herangehensweise erwartet wird, reklamieren die Künste die Freiheit und das Recht auf »Subjektivität«. Es ist aber genau der schmale Grat zwischen diesen beiden Extremen, auf dem Definitionen künstlerischer und wissenschaftlicher Praktiken ausgehandelt werden. Der Band versammelt Positionen von Expertinnen und Experten aus Wissenschaften und Künsten sowie von Künstlerinnen und Künstlern zu diesem Thema.
