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Mira Fliescher, Lina Maria Stahl, ...: Editorial
(p. 7 – 16)

Mira Fliescher, Lina Maria Stahl, Elena Vogman


PDF, 10 pages

  • aesthetics
  • materiality
  • drawing
  • practices of drawing
  • scribbling

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Mira Fliescher

Mira Fliescher

studied Art History, Cinema and TV-Studies and Philosophy at Ruhr-University Bochum. After being a doctoral researcher at the DFG research training group ›Identity and Difference‹ at Trier University she finished her PhD thesis about »Signatures of Alterity« at the Brunswick University of Art. 2011–2013 she was a postdoctoral researcher at the DFG research training group ›Visibility and Visualisation. Hybrid Forms of Pictorial Knowledge‹ at Potsdam. Her research is about aesthetic thinking, Drawing/Distortions (Verzeichnungen), signatures, theories of authorship, alterity, visual thinking.

Other texts by Mira Fliescher for DIAPHANES

Lina Maria Stahl

studied physics, biology, film and media studies in Berlin and Potsdam. Since 2011, she is a member of the DFG research training group »Visibility and Visualisation. Hybrid Forms of Pictorial Knowledge« at the University of Potsdam and does a doctorate on image formation in microscopy. Her main areas of interest are picture-theory, philosophy of science, especially the epistemology of images and strategies of visualisation in art and science.

Other texts by Lina Maria Stahl for DIAPHANES
Elena Vogman

Elena Vogman

is an author, scholar of comparative literature and media, and curator. She wrote her dissertation on “Sensuous Thinking: Eisenstein’s Eccentric Method” and held postdoctoral research positions in the DFG-project “Rhythm and Projection” at the Institute of General and Comparative Literature at Free University in Berlin and at IKKM, Bauhaus University, Weimar. She currently teaches Media History and Theory at the Art Academy Berlin Weißensee and is working on a new project titled “Madness, Media, Milieus: Reconfiguring the Humanities in Postwar Europe.” She has published numerous articles on forms of visual thinking and montage, anthropology of rhythm and media, and milieus in practices of Institutional Psychotherapy. Together with Marie Rebecchi she curated the exhibition on “Sergei Eisenstein: The Anthropology of Rhythm” at Nomas Foundation, Rome.

Other texts by Elena Vogman for DIAPHANES
Mira Fliescher (ed.), Lina Maria Stahl (ed.), ...: Sichtbarkeiten 3: Umreißen

Der Band fragt, ausgehend von konkreten Praktiken, nach den Eigenwegen der Zeichnung, die sich zwischen etablierten epistemischen und ästhetischen Praktiken und Randphänomenen der Zeichnung bahnen können. Umreißen spielt dabei zwar auf die Tradition des disegno an, es meint jedoch als Oszillation zwischen Negation und Nicht-Negation dieser Tradition des Umrisses. Ihre Graphematik wird zwar stets durch einen Strich, d.h. durch eine Singularität und Materialität, gestört; dies jedoch ohne sie vollkommen ausstreichen zu können. Diese Oszillation entfaltet ein Paradox oder eine dialektische Figur, deren Spannung in den Praktiken des Zeichnens stets eine neue singuläre Konstellation generiert. In den einzelnen Beiträgen soll dem seine eigene theoretische Geltung zugestanden werden.

Mit Beiträgen von: Amrei Buchholz, Christian Driesen, Sergej Eisenstein, James Elkins, Erna Fiorentini, Georges Didi-Huberman, Georg Witte.