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Mira Fliescher (ed.), Fabian Goppelsröder (ed.), ...: Sichtbarkeiten 4: Praktiken visuellen Denkens

Mira Fliescher (ed.), Fabian Goppelsröder (ed.), Dieter Mersch (ed.)

Sichtbarkeiten 4: Praktiken visuellen Denkens

Softcover, 400 pages

PDF, 400 pages

Praktiken visuellen Denkens

Der Band fragt danach, wie der zumeist diskursiv vorentschiedene Begriff des Denkens sich konkret aus visuellen Praktiken heraus konzeptualisieren lässt. Anhand begrifflicher Spannungen wie »Anordnen – Darstellen«, »Kontrastieren – Differenzieren«, »Proving – Demonstrating«, »Zeugen – Zeigen«, »Documentary – Disjunction«, »Art and Visual Thinking« wird sowohl aus theoretischer wie auch aus praktisch/künstlerischer Sicht untersucht, wie sich Denken aus visuell-sinnlichem Tun zu generieren vermag.

Mit Beiträgen von Magdalena Bazan, Peter Bexte, Olaf Breidbach, Victor Burgin, Raphaël Cuomo, Alexander Garçia Düttmann, Mira Fliescher und Fabian Goppelsröder.

  • artistic practice
  • aesthetics
  • visual thinking
  • thinking

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Selected content

Mira Fliescher

Mira Fliescher

studied Art History, Cinema and TV-Studies and Philosophy at Ruhr-University Bochum. After being a doctoral researcher at the DFG research training group ›Identity and Difference‹ at Trier University she finished her PhD thesis about »Signatures of Alterity« at the Brunswick University of Art. 2011–2013 she was a postdoctoral researcher at the DFG research training group ›Visibility and Visualisation. Hybrid Forms of Pictorial Knowledge‹ at Potsdam. Her research is about aesthetic thinking, Drawing/Distortions (Verzeichnungen), signatures, theories of authorship, alterity, visual thinking.

Other texts by Mira Fliescher for DIAPHANES
Fabian Goppelsröder

Fabian Goppelsröder

studied philosophy and history in Berlin and Paris before he went to do his PhD at the Comparative Literature Department of Stanford University (CA) entitled »Kalendergeschichte and fait divers. The poetics of circumscribed space«. Since 2011 he has held a postdoc position at the DFG research training group »Visibility and Visualisation. Hybrid Forms of Pictorial Knowledge« at Potsdam.

Other texts by Fabian Goppelsröder for DIAPHANES
Dieter Mersch

Dieter Mersch

studied mathematics and philosophy in Cologne, Bochum, Darmstadt. In 2004 he became Professor for Media Theory and Media Science at the University of Potsdam. Since 2013 he is Head of the Institute for Theory at ZHdK Zurich and visiting professor at University Potsdam, where he is one of the chairs of the DFG Research Training Centre 'Visibility and Visualization – Hybrid Forms of pictorial Knowledge'. Dieter Mersch was a visiting professor in Chicago, Budapest and Luzern, and Fellow at IKKM Weimar and at ZHdK Zurich. His work focuses on media philosophy, aesthetics and art theory, semiotics, hermeneutics, post-structuralism and philosophy of the image and language.

Other texts by Dieter Mersch for DIAPHANES