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Matrices porteuses – Surrogacies
Matrices porteuses – Surrogacies

DIAPHANES Magazine No. 11

What claims the place of the nuclear family in the face of hybrid kinships and social freezing? What could new elective kinships be in times of chatbots and pseudonymisation? Is this the time for surrogate mother tongues and extra-human ­rhetorics of surrogation?   Sophie Lewis claims a gestational ­communism and hunts our grannies. Barbara Vinken ­reflects on spiritual motherhood, Luciana Parisi on ­human automata and gendered proxies. For ­Zuzana Cela, language is a foreign body that can be ­invaginated. Werner Hamacher strolls...
  • contemporary art
  • gender
  • body
  • motherhood
  • mother figure




Between global and local ecologies
Between global and local ecologies

Liliana Gómez (ed.), Fabienne Liptay (ed.)


What is euphemistically called climate change, or more directly climate crisis, has already become part of both aesthetic discourses and critical research perspectives in culture and the arts. Yet, until recently, the focus has mainly been on the representation of the prevalent ecological relationships and cycles, or on the impact on the environment and contemporary society. Increasingly, however, future-oriented, ecologically conceived potentialities of artistic actions are being explored by new alliances of artists, curators, activists, scholars, and other actors of...
  • global ecology
  • artistic practice
  • ecology